It's like this: You come home from CRACK! and you're happy. A little bit like you're still on CRACK! mentally. This happiness lasts for a few weeks sometimes. It's not that you want to go back but more like you never really left the Forte. The rest of the year you do what you can to make the rest of the world a better place. Around December usually, you start thinking about going back. A feeling that gets more intense as June gets closer. You start to plan for the next one, try to think of a bigger, better contribution. You want to return to the family, return home. CRACK! is the real world, the rest is just inbetween.
Mattias Elftorpquesto è l'archivio di CRACKPOCALYPSE 2012
il sito di CRACK 2013 è a questo indirizzo
this is CRACKPOCALYPSE 2012 website
CRACK 2013 website is at this address
In July 2001 we went to Genova along with 300.000 people to shout to the powerful members of the G8 “another world is possible”.
A world where political choices would not be dictated by banks and speculators and where the voice of the many would not be shut by the arrogance of the few. We arrived in a sealed off and barricaded Genova, where not even the inhabitants could move around without permission. In 300.000 we invaded the streets with our necessities and desires. With the conviction that this capitalistic development model didn’t suit us; we faced a militarised power that had prepared a bloody protest management, that climaxed with the murder of Carlo Giuliani. The same power which was fabricating evidences in order to break into the Diaz school and which was preparing the torture chamber in the Bolzaneto prison.
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drawing by shahbaz
[ITA]Che la nave stesse affondando CRACK! l’aveva detto. Ora mentre tutto viene giù rovinosamente CRACK! è già oltre l’apocalisse. Piovono le pietre delle rovine dell'apocapitalismo: non ci sarà nessuna apocalisse causata da un cambiamento climatico. L'Estizione non è il futuro, viviamo nel mezzo della più grande estinzione dal Triassico, ed è una estinzione di massa causata dal sistema capitale. Il pensiero stesso che costruisce la paura dell'Apocalisse prossima ventura fonda l'alienazione dal tempo soggettivo e immaginato, ridotto costantemente al tempo lineare della produzione fordista.
CRACK! Propone quattro giorni di tempo non lineare, caotico e osmotico nelle gallerie del Forteprenestino. Tempo strappato alla produzione e ripopolato dal più grande network di artisti che attraversa l'Europa. Tempo di condivisione: fuori dalla trappola del Tempo prevista nello spazio continuo metropolitano è possibile immaginare nuove pratiche di immaginazione e azione creativa capaci di fronteggiare la prigione concettuale dell'apocalisse che ci spaventa verso una Crakpocalisse che ci possa rallegrare e che apra nuove visioni del contemporaneo e del futuro.
Pioveranno pietre, serviranno anche quelle, intanto disegniamoci gli strumenti per non farci colpire.
La produzione alienata fa nubi di smog. La rivoluzione farà splendere il sole. Guy Debord
They cried out for the apocalypse so much that it’ll never come. And even if it did, after all, it would be necessary some goodness and beauty to distinguish it from the everyday life of the individual and the community. Raoul Vaneigem
The ship was about to sink and CRACK! had declared it. Now, while everything is dreadfully falling apart, CRACK! stands way beyond the apocalypse. A rain of rocks is pouring from the remains of the apocapitalism: there won’t be any climate change apocalypses. Annihilation is not in our future, we are part of the biggest extinction after the Triassic and it’s a mass extinction originated by the capitalistic system. The same thoughts that build up the fear of an imminent apocalypse, establish the subjective and imagined time alienation always reduced to the fordist linear time.
CRACK! puts four days of chaotic, osmotic and non-linear time forward; all around the Forteprenestino’s galleries. Time snatched from the production and repopulated by the biggest European art network. Sharing. It is out of the metropolitan continuous space time trap that becomes possible to conceive new imagination practices and creative actions, to confront the frightening apocalypse’s conceptual prison and tackle a cheerful Crakpocaliypse that can produce new contemporary and future visions.
Rocks will rain (they also might be of some use) in the meantime, let’s draw some tools to protect ourselves.
Alienated production makes the smog. Revolution makes the sunshine. Guy Debord
[ITA] Che la nave stesse affondando CRACK l'aveva detto. Ora mentre tutto viene giù rovinosamente CRACK è già oltre l'apocalisse. Le adesioni al festival come artisti o editori si possono presentare alla mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Sono benvenuti tutti coloro che vogliano offrirsi come volontari per le giornate del festival! Nessuno resterà fuori cmq, Crack è un festival autoconvocato.
[ENG] The fact that the ship was wrecking was already said. And now while everything ruins down CRACK is already beyond the apocalypse. Registration to the Festival is possible by writing us here. Volunteers are welcome too! No one gets out of the door, Crack is a self indicted festival...
per chi volesse proporre progetti o partecipazioni è possibile intervenire ancora alla riunione che faremo al FortePrenestino di Roma.
appuntamento per cena (puntuali!!!!)
gio 14 giugno ore 21,00
CRACK! it will rain rocks.
forteprenestino is in
via Federico Delpino 187
to get to the Forte:
from Fiumicino
take the FR1 train at fiumicino airport is the less expensive (and a little bit slower than others).
at TERMINI station there is a tram line to the forteprenestino
by foot 350 metri AMENDOLA
tram line 5 (GERANI) 19 stops till DELPINO stop
then by foot 250 metri till the park at the end of the street and then the fort