june 21-24 Rome festival of comics drawn and printed art
"Tanto han gridato all'apocalisse che essa non verrà. E anche se venisse, del resto, ci vorrebbe del bello e del buono a distinguerla dalla sorte quotidiana riservata all'individuo come alla comunità."
Raoul Vaneigem

It's like this: You come home from CRACK! and you're happy. A little bit like you're still on CRACK! mentally. This happiness lasts for a few weeks sometimes. It's not that you want to go back but more like you never really left the Forte. The rest of the year you do what you can to make the rest of the world a better place. Around December usually, you start thinking about going back. A feeling that gets more intense as June gets closer. You start to plan for the next one, try to think of a bigger, better contribution. You want to return to the family, return home. CRACK! is the real world, the rest is just inbetween.

Mattias Elftorp
"L'apocalypse s'est dévidée avec le siècle qui voit se profiler sous les apparences d'une crise économique une crise de l'économie, une mutation de civilisation. Ce n'est plus la peur d'un cataclysme qui incite à se réformer et qui guide vers des révolutions dont elle ne pourrait que programmer l'échec. Une confiance en soi se ranime peu à peu, comme si tout ce qui s'éveille à l'exubérance et à l'innocence du vivant ralliait à elle la quête incertaine, individuelle et quotidienne, d'une jouissance sans partage."
Raoul Vaneigem

Schwefelgelb (DEU)

Outdoor _ sabato 23 giugno

sid on the stage

electro, pogo dance, new wave.

[ITA] Molta acqua è passata sotto i ponti dall'acclamatissimo album di debutto "Alt Und Neu". Sid e Eddy a.k.a Schwefelgelb sono stati invitati al prestigioso festival "Wire" a Tokyo, il più grande festival di musica elettronica in Asia. In tour gli Schwefelgelb hanno anche avuto il tempo di remixare brani di numerosi artisti, primi su tutti Rammstein. Das Ende Vom Kreis (The end of the circle) è il titolo del secondo album ufficiale (per la berlinese Tapete Records) degli Schwefelgelb uscito nell'Ottobre del 2010. Se nel primo album gli Schwefelgelb combinavano brillantemente elettronica brutale e corpulenta con melodie incalzanti e ammalianti, in Das Ende Vom Kreis si mescola l'eleganza che può ricordare la scena electro di Sheffield (Human league, Cabaret Voltaire) con la durezza della Neu Deutsch Hertz alla DAF/Die Krupps, senza che si scada mai in beat scontati.

[ENG] A lot has happened, since the acclaimed debut album Alt Und Neu. Sid and Eddy a.k.a. Schwefelgelb, were invited to the Wire festival in Tokyo, the biggest festival for electronic music in Asia. On tour in England, Spain, Poland... And during that, Schwefelgelb found the time to remix a number of other artists, like Rammstein. Das Ende vom Kreis (The end of the circle) is the title of the second album for (Tapete records/Berlin), out on October 2010. If on their debut,Schwefelgelb brilliantly combined brute electronic body music with catchy melodies and melodic detail. On the one hand a cool elegance, that keeps reminding you of the sound of the Sheffield scene (Human League, Cabaret Voltaire), on the other hand the hard Neu Deutsch Hertz (DAF/Die Krupps), but never simple beats. In this respect, on Das Ende Vom Kreis (The end of the circle), Schwefelgelb have managed to square one and the same: smart music, with the chance to pogo dance, that can't deny and doesn't even want to deny where it's coming from, but nevertheless sounds as fresh and progressive, as if the Roland TR-808s have just recently rolled off the assembly line.
