june 21-24 Rome festival of comics drawn and printed art
"Tanto han gridato all'apocalisse che essa non verrà. E anche se venisse, del resto, ci vorrebbe del bello e del buono a distinguerla dalla sorte quotidiana riservata all'individuo come alla comunità."
Raoul Vaneigem

It's like this: You come home from CRACK! and you're happy. A little bit like you're still on CRACK! mentally. This happiness lasts for a few weeks sometimes. It's not that you want to go back but more like you never really left the Forte. The rest of the year you do what you can to make the rest of the world a better place. Around December usually, you start thinking about going back. A feeling that gets more intense as June gets closer. You start to plan for the next one, try to think of a bigger, better contribution. You want to return to the family, return home. CRACK! is the real world, the rest is just inbetween.

Mattias Elftorp
"L'apocalypse s'est dévidée avec le siècle qui voit se profiler sous les apparences d'une crise économique une crise de l'économie, une mutation de civilisation. Ce n'est plus la peur d'un cataclysme qui incite à se réformer et qui guide vers des révolutions dont elle ne pourrait que programmer l'échec. Une confiance en soi se ranime peu à peu, comme si tout ce qui s'éveille à l'exubérance et à l'innocence du vivant ralliait à elle la quête incertaine, individuelle et quotidienne, d'une jouissance sans partage."
Raoul Vaneigem

Økapi (ITA)

Outdoor _ venerdì 22 giugno

Økapi turntablin

techno / broken beat / electro / 8-bit , klezmer, polk, childrens’ music, idiot-pop, hawaian music

[ITA] Økapi è Filippo Paolini, turntablis italiano e artista del cutup delle basi. Filippo ha inciso come parte del duo Metaxu (con Maurizio Martuscello) e anche con il trio Dogon, è stato in onda alla RAI e ha collaborato con il celebre avant-turntablist Christian Marclay. Økapi utilizza i suoi piatti e computer per creare musica completamente al di fuori dalla scuola Hip hop della musica scratchata e campionata. Ha invece creato dischi che spaziano dall'orchestrale al lounge alla più stravagante musica sperimentale, sempre conservando un suono ampio e delicato. La sua abilità nel manipolare i campioni è veramente strabiliante.

[ENG] Økapi is Filippo Paolini, an Italian turntablist and sample cutup artist. Filippo has recorded as one half of the duo Metaxu (with Maurizio Martusciello) and also the trio Dogon, and he’s performed on RAI (Italian state radio) and collaborated with noted avant-turntablist Christian Marclay. Økapi uses his turntables and computer to create music completely outside of the hip-hop school of chopped up music. Instead he has created some albums that veers from orchestral to lounge to quirky experimental music, while maintaining a delicate and spacious sound throughout. His skill at sample manipulation is really quite amazing.
